AngularJS vs Angular - Which frontend development framework should you use?

January 15, 2022

AngularJS vs Angular - Which frontend development framework should you use?

Choosing the right frontend development framework can be a daunting task, especially for those new to web development. Two popular frameworks in the market are AngularJS and Angular. Both frameworks are backed by Google and offer similar functionality. However, there are significant differences between the two that developers must consider before selecting one.


AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source framework developed by Google in 2010. It is also referred to as Angular 1.x. AngularJS has been around for a while and is still relevant in some web development groups. It works well for creating single-page applications (SPAs) and other dynamic web applications.

Some benefits of AngularJS include:

  • Easy to learn for developers who already know JavaScript
  • Excellent support for testing with Karma and Jasmine
  • A large community of developers and resources

However, AngularJS isn't perfect. It has its disadvantages, such as a steep learning curve due to the complex architecture, and it's challenging to maintain and upgrade, causing gaps between major versions.


Angular (commonly referred to as Angular 2+) is a total rewrite of AngularJS released in 2016. It's a more powerful and modern framework than AngularJS. Angular utilizes TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript with more strict functionalities and OOP concepts. Angular prioritizes code consistency, improving stability and reliability by enforcing strict coding patterns.

Advantages of Angular include:

  • Advanced features, such as server-side rendering and async app logic
  • More straightforward and scalable architecture
  • Consistent and more comprehensive documentation, meaning learning opportunities available.

Despite its advantages, Angular has some downsides, such as:

  • Steep learning curve due to the complexity of using TypeScript and a tight architecture
  • Lack of backward compatibility, which can make upgrading the framework a challenging process
  • Fewer developers in comparison to AngularJS

Which one to choose?

The choice between AngularJS and Angular depends on specific project requirements, the size of the team, and the developer's experience level.

If you are interested in creating a flexible, dynamic web application, AngularJS may be the right choice for a small team of experienced developers. AngularJS is best known for large self-contained applications like tutorials or web development services, whereas Angular has a more modular architecture that makes it perfect for larger-scale web applications like social media platforms.

Angular is a perfect choice for all developers dealing with large-scale, mission-critical applications in their projects because its strict architecture embraces modularity, so it can handle those tasks better than the AngularJS.


Choosing between Angular and AngularJS can be challenging, but the project requirements and the team’s skill level determine which one is more appropriate. Developers can leverage the large number of resources available in both frameworks to create fast, dynamic, and scalable web applications.


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